3D projects

clay ryan ross is now real and he's going to be released into the wild very soon. watch out
homemade patches for my hoodie!
i made the heart and stripe pattern out of old shirts (they're very poorly sewn on cuz i haven't
had much practice tbh.. my sewing machine broke 5 times) and then I painted the band logos and stuff. it actually turned out pretty good!
when I showed this to my grandma she said "i really wanna hear what people say when you wear that outside...." so... not sure what that means

poseable clay cat (he has a severe gambling addiction)
my poor attempt at a ball jointed doll, strung with elastic
I did a lot wrong but next time I'll plan better

silly goblin statue

weird creature from that one scary jokes album cover
(I was too much of a coward to try painting the face)